Dancing Skies Buccaneer x Wartti Spurtti Iloilmiö
s. 23.07.2018
Ghosteye’s Just Sparkling Mist “Usva”
Ghosteye’s Just Dreaming of Hugs “Malla”
Ghosteye’s Just Flying the Skies “Justiina”
Ghosteye’s Just Dancing on Fells “Frida”
Ghosteye’s Just Perfect for Me “Ruu”
Ghosteye’s Just Little Bit Chili “Kirppu”
Ghosteye’s Just Jovial Friend “Redi”
Ghosteye’s Just Loyal Fellow “Jasu”
Ghosteye’s Just Talkin a Lot “Momok”
Jasun ja Momokin kuvat: Maikki Lukka